Sunday, January 25, 2009

i'm a real finn now!

Last night was the Ultimate Sauna Experience for the exchange students. We walked to the sauna on one of the lakes where they broke a huge hole in the ice for us to jump into. We sat in the sauna for about 15 mins then jumped into the lake and ran back to the sauna. The sauna was not at all close to the lake so by the time you got out of the lake, our feet were frozen. The second time we put our boots on and played in the snow. My friend and I staying outside longer than the other students. One of the Finnish students told me that I really am a crazy finn. haha After a few mins my whole body was numb and I wasn't that cold anymore.
Stepping into the lake

Snowball fight!
I was making a snow angel
We stayed outside the longest!

1 comment:

  1. You will not have any reason to not go swimming in Lake Superior now.
